Conducting the Session

At the Conference

  1. Before the session
    1. Provide session chair with presenters' introductions needed.
  2. Conducting the session
    Read the disclaimer statement provide by SAE prior to the start of your session.
    1. Announce any program changes (e.g., new speakers, substituted presentations, etc.).
    2. Adhere to the start times indicated in the program (20-minute presentations to be followed by 5-10 minutes of Q&A).
    3. If a presentation is cancelled, leave that time slot empty; do not move any following presentations forward.
    4. Moderate the Q&A.
  3. Ending the Session
    Thank participants and audience.
    1. Complete the session attendance count form and return it to the SAE staff representative, as indicated on the form.

Oral Presentation Evaluation
Presenters at SAE conferences are eligible for Outstanding Oral Presentation Awards. All oral presentations (exclusive of brief discussions as in panel sessions) will be evaluated by means of rating forms distributed at random to the audience. Criteria are:

The Session Chair is asked to collect the forms and return them to SAE staff following the session. The score is an overall rating of the presentation, considering each of the above categories.

Forms for reporting session results:
Oral Presentation Evaluation Summary Form
Oral Presentation Award Nomination Form