Guidelines for Preparing Your Oral Presentation

Time Allocated
The time allocated for your presentation and question/answer period is normally 30 minutes. Time is not available for a paper to be read in full and, even if it were, word-for-word presentation is not effective. Please check the final program or SAE website for exact times.

The use of company logos or trade names should be avoided on any audio-video aids used in conjunction with your SAE presentation. Presentations at SAE meetings are intended to discuss technical issues with the audience. Commercialization is not permitted. Your company affiliation will be included in your introduction.

In the Session Room
Speakers should arrive at the session room 30 minutes in advance to meet the chairperson and other speakers. Test the microphone to determine your best distance from it for clear and uniform volume pickup. Give your visuals to the projectionist promptly so that he/she can test them and explain the signal system. When addressing your audience, speak slowly and distinctly in a normal conventional voice. Keep your head up and look at the audience, using your notes for only the briefest possible reference. Most meetings have speaker's ready rooms to preview your slides/overheads. Check the final program for room location.

Oral Presentation Evaluation
Presenters at SAE conferences are eligible for Outstanding Oral Presentation Awards. All oral presentations (exclusive of brief discussions as in panel sessions) will be evaluated by means of rating forms distributed at random to the audience. Criteria are:

Oral Presentation Quality - Was the speaker prepared, enthusiastic, and persuasive? Was the information delivered clearly?

Visual Presentation Quality - Were the slides and other visual aids clear and readable highlights of the main points?

Value of Content - Was the material presented of significant value?

The Session Chair is asked to collect the forms and return them to SAE staff following the session. The score is an overall rating of the presentation, considering each of the above categories.