Reviewer Instructions: SAE Technical Paper Review System

Instructions for Technical Paper Reviewers:
Thank you for volunteering to review SAE technical papers. Your evaluation of draft manuscripts will assist in determining if papers are of sufficient quality for SAE Publications and possible awards.

  1. Please check that the web page reflects the paper you are reviewing. Paper title, author and paper offer number should correspond to the draft manuscript you received from the organizer.

  2. Select the description which indicates your professional experience and knowledge in evaluating this paper - well qualified, moderately qualified, or minimally qualified.

  3. Carefully examine the manuscript to determine if you've seen the content of this paper elsewhere, and click the appropriate radio button.

  4. In the 'Judgment Basis/Score' table, consider each judgment basis carefully, and choose the appropriate score by clicking on the drop-down arrow in that basis' Score column. Reiterate for all judgment bases.

  5. Based on the scores you chose above, rate the manuscript. Decide whether the paper is
    • Approved (suitable to publish as is),
    • Approved if modified (needs minor or moderate modification before considering for publication), or
    • Disapproved (requires major modification before considering for publication).

  6. If you have chosen 'Approved if modified' or 'Disapproved', you are required to fill out the Additional Comments box. Please use this box to indicate what changes would be necessary for the paper to become suitable for publication. PLEASE NOTE: You will be sent any revised manuscripts for final Judgment Basis Scoring.

  7. Please feel free to make comments as long and/or complex as you wish. If your comments do not fit the 4,000 character limit of the Additional Comments box, please send your comments in their entirety directly to your organizer. Similarly, if your comments require you to use mathematical symbols (e.g., the integral or derivative symbols), please simply forward them in a Word document directly to your organizer. If you do so, please indicate in the comment box that full comments were submitted separately.

  8. You may also fill in the Additional Comments box if you chose Approved and wish to make additional comments with regard to the paper, e.g. it was particularly strong in one area, etc.

  9. Indicate the Judgment Basis score for Long-Term Reference Value.

  10. Indicate your recommendation (yes/no) for inclusion in SAE International's Journals

  11. When you have finished, click Submit.

  12. You will receive a page notifying you that your submission has been received.

If you wish to review another paper(s), please click the button indicating so. The process will reiterate.