SAE Transactions

The primary objective of the Technical Paper Review Program is to recognize and preserve superior SAE technical papers in the permanent literature. Papers are evaluated by a group of qualified reviewers to determine if they will be published in the yearly edition of Transactions and/or whether they qualify for appropriate SAE awards.

The purpose of the Technical Paper Evaluation Program is to maintain and upgrade the quality of technical papers. All papers generated by one of the three operating boards responsible for development of information are eligible for evaluation unless they have been previously presented in another recognized non-SAE publication. Papers must be assigned an SAE paper number and must be available for sale at the SAE meeting at which it is presented.

The Technical Paper Evaluation Program uses the following criteria to compile scores. The technical paper must:

Each area is rated on a 1-10 basis. To ensure a high-quality paper, please keep the above criteria in mind when preparing your paper. To be eligible for further publication in SAE Transactions, a paper must be available in printed form for placement on the publications racks of the meeting at which it is presented. If the paper is received after the meeting, it will be printed and distributed but will not be evaluated for Transactions publication. All authors whose papers are selected for Transactions will be notified onsite.

When being considered for SAE Transactions, your paper will be scored on the first four criteria listed above.

If your session organizer did not provide the results of your reviews to you, and you wish to know them, please e-mail Melissa Jena at